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Training & Advisory Services
Capital Market:
We are the leading broker of NSE and BSE and have been providing capital market and derivatives services to our clients. You can avail the following services by associating yourself to ourselves.
  • Fundamental and Technical Research to guide you in Capital Creation.
  • Efficient Execution through our term of experienced dealers.
  • Transparent Dealings.
  • Attractive Cost Structure.
Derivatives (Futures Options) are ideal instruments to protect your portfolio against risk. You can trade with index movements, hedge and leverage your portfolio by limiting risk but keeping your upside unlimited.

IPO is the first offer from any corporate to public for the subscription for its shares. Our clients can subscribe for IPO through us. We receive IPO applications from our customers at our office only. For this we are associated with DSPML and Enam Securities Pvt. Ltd.

Depository Services:
A depository can be defined as an institution where the investors can keep their financial assets such as equities in the dematerialised form and transactions could be effected on it.

Besides providing custodial facilities and dematerialisation, depositories are offering various transactional services to its clients to effect buying, selling, transfer of shares etc.

Our Depository Services Cell provides the following services:
  • Convert your physical holding into electronic holding (which is called "dematerialisation" of securities).
  • Keep custody of your holdings in electronic form.
  • Transfer the shares in the electronic form from one account to another.
  • Facilitate pledge of your electronic securities.
Give electronic credit of new share allotments such as public issues.

Attention Investors : Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your account. Update your mobile numbers/email IDs with your stock brokers. Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your mobile/email at the end of the day .......... Issued in the interest of investors